Changemakers across disciplines and movements use story-based strategy to ideate and strategize, and to cultivate radical imagination. Here are examples of projects from near and far that we are proud to name as integrating story-based strategy in their development.
CSS collaborated with artist and SBS practitioner Erin O’Brien to make this whimsical stop-motion animation to explore our own work and story.
CSS supported MACED and 2019 CSS Fellow Ivy Brashear in the development of the Appalachia’s New Day campaign.
Some of our creative sessions are built around learning and creating gifs. Explore what our participants have created!
CSS developed No Burnout Bingo in collaboration with Jess St. Louis, one of our network of brilliant story-based strategy practitioner-trainers.
CSS experimentation with play and scale, including a collaboration with Monopoly Man, aka Ian Madrigal.
Stop the Presses! was a semi-monthly live webcast produced by the Center for Story-based Strategy which ran for 3 seasons.
CSS’s annual tradition of choosing the top 10 social justice memes at the end of the year. We’ve been doing this since before the internet decided a meme was just a picture with words on it.
2020 CSS Fellow H Kapp-Klote used story-based strategy in the development of Working 2050, a speculative oral history podcast about workers of the future.
Game Changer is a collaboration between The TESA Collective and the Center for Story-based Strategy!
Sandbox Gatherings build our movements' capacity to imagine, create and distribute exciting messages that have the potential to #changethestory on issues that matter to us.
2020 CSS Fellow Kedar Reddy used his fellowship to further the development of, a narrative-savvy social media campaigning platform.
CSS staff developed this short video message in 2015 in support of #FightFor15 organizing.
An online convening to discuss, plan and create cultural tools that connect the Black Panther movie premiere and the fight for justice. A collaboration with Intelligent Mischief, New Media Mentors, and The Harry Potter Alliance.
CSS originally developed #The4thBox in collaboration with Interaction Institute for Social Change. Tools, games and more, all of which invite you to step into #The4thBox!
CSS developed this microsite during the 2020 summer uprisings, in coordination with our AT2020 training program. Do you have a narrative intervention for Black liberation to contribute to the list?
The Shred Magazine team uses story-based strategy to plan its work, thanks to Shred co-founder and 2020 CSS Fellow Ruby Pinto.